About me

Hi, I am Andrei. I work in an AI R&D company. I have an academic background in Physics and Computer Science. I live in Tokyo, Japan and I am one of the new members of BioClub Tokyo.

I always had an interest in Biology, but for many years, I felt like it was a field where researchers either had to observe a lot or intervene at great cost. With an IT Engineering mindset, I prefer to learn new things with a short feedback loop and interact a lot with the environment, so I avoided studying Biology properly.

Fortunately, nowadays, not only does one have access to DIY Bio at a reasonable cost, but also the very same IT Engineering mindset is used to a greater extent, so I feel like I am in an understandable environment. That and the fact that Tokyo has a wonderful BioClub community I have decided to allocate time to obtaining theoretical and practical knowledge of modern Biology.
