<aside> 🏆 A journey with science is a journey to understand the universe and how it works. It’s a humbling journey because I get to see how small I actually am and how delicate yet strong, simple yet complex, and small yet big factors can make a big difference in the workings of the universe… And it also gives me nerdy and geeky friends I will forever cherish in my life… 😎


Hello! My name is April, and I am from Indonesia. I’m a Master’s student in Biomedical Sciences, majoring in Microbiology. I joined the HTGAA 2024 Class because I want to be inspired by Harvard and MIT’s Professors and Doctors. I want to know more about the diverse applications of biotechnology than what I have learnt in class, practicum, and thesis project.

Compiled on this page are the results of what I’ve learnt in each class by applying them to my HW. Hope it can also inspire others to be creative ^^

Club Mission



Meeting notes


Finance & sponsorships

Promotional materials

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