I designed my pattern using the open interface: https://opentrons-art.rcdonovan.com/
From there, I received the coordinates:
red_points =
| • (-30, 0) • (-20, -20) • (-20, 20) • (0, 0) • (0, -30) • (0, 30) • (20, -20) • (20, 20) • (30, 0) | | --- |
green_points =
(-5, 35),(5, 35),(-10, 30),(10, 30),(-5, 25),(0, 25),(5, 25),(0, 20),(-5, 15),(5, 15),(-30, 10),(-10, 10),(10, 10),(30, 10),(-35, 5),(-25, 5),(-15, 5),(15, 5),(25, 5),(35, 5),(-25, 0),(-20, 0),(20, 0),(25, 0),(-35, -5),(-25, -5),(-15, -5),(15, -5),(25, -5),(35, -5),(-30, -10),(-10, -10),(10, -10),(30, -10),(-5, -15),(5, -15),(0, -20),(-5, -25),(0, -25),(5, -25),(-10, -30),(10, -30),(-5, -35),(5, -35) |
orange_points =
| • (-20, 25) • (20, 25) • (-25, 20) • (-15, 20) • (15, 20) • (25, 20) • (-20, 15) • (20, 15) • (-20, -15) • (20, -15) • (-25, -20) • (-15, -20) • (15, -20) • (25, -20) • (-20, -25)
• (20, -25) |
I edited the code using the Opentrons Colab link, using the previous examples as a guidance: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1q7i-xHfolH0f1fnmLg8R8uREdT4w6JQy?usp=sharing
Final Code:
from opentrons import types
metadata = { # see <https://docs.opentrons.com/v2/tutorial.html#tutorial-metadata>
'author': 'Divya Srinivasan',
'protocolName': 'Kolam',
'description': 'Symmetrical Dot Pattern',
'source': 'HTGAA 2025 Opentrons Lab',
'apiLevel': '2.20'
### Robot deck setup constants - don't change these
well_colors = {
'A1' : 'Red',
'B1' : 'Green',
'C1' : 'Orange'
def run(protocol):
### Load labware, modules and pipettes
# Tips
tips_20ul = protocol.load_labware('opentrons_96_tiprack_20ul', TIP_RACK_DECK_SLOT, 'Opentrons 20uL Tips')
# Pipettes
pipette_20ul = protocol.load_instrument("p20_single_gen2", "right", [tips_20ul])
# Modules
temperature_module = protocol.load_module('temperature module gen2', COLORS_DECK_SLOT)
# Temperature Module Plate
temperature_plate = temperature_module.load_labware('opentrons_96_aluminumblock_generic_pcr_strip_200ul',
'Cold Plate')
# Choose where to take the colors from
color_plate = temperature_plate
# Agar Plate
agar_plate = protocol.load_labware('htgaa_agar_plate', AGAR_DECK_SLOT, 'Agar Plate') ## TA MUST CALIBRATE EACH PLATE!
# Get the top-center of the plate, make sure the plate was calibrated before running this
center_location = agar_plate['A1'].top()
pipette_20ul.starting_tip = tips_20ul.well(PIPETTE_STARTING_TIP_WELL)
### Patterning
### Helper functions for this lab
# pass this e.g. 'Red' and get back a Location which can be passed to aspirate()
def location_of_color(color_string):
for well,color in well_colors.items():
if color.lower() == color_string.lower():
return color_plate[well]
raise ValueError(f"No well found with color {color_string}")
# For this lab, instead of calling pipette.dispense(1, loc) use this: dispense_and_jog(pipette, 1, loc)
def dispense_and_jog(pipette, volume, location):
Dispense and then move up 5mm to ensure the pipette is not moving laterally before the dispensing is done.
assert(isinstance(volume, (int, float)))
pipette.dispense(volume, location)
currLoc = pipette._get_last_location_by_api_version()
### YOUR CODE HERE to create your design
red_points = [(0, 30), (-20, 20), (20, 20), (-30, 0), (0, 0), (30, 0), (-20, -20), (20, -20), (0, -30)]
green_points = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(
[-5, 5, -10, 10, -5, 0, 5, 0, -5, 5, -30, -10, 10, 30, -35, -25, -15, 15, 25, 35, -25, -20, 20, 25, -35, -25, -15, 15, 25, 35, -30, -10, 10, 30, -5, 5, 0, -5, 0, 5, -10, 10, -5, 5],
[35, 35, 30, 30, 25, 25, 25, 20, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5, -5, -5, -5, -5, -5, -10, -10, -10, -10, -15, -15, -20, -25, -25, -25, -30, -30, -35, -35])]
orange_points = [(-20, 25), (20, 25), (-25, 20), (-15, 20), (15, 20), (25, 20), (-20, 15), (20, 15), (0, 5),
(-5, 0), (5, 0), (0, -5), (-20, -15), (20, -15), (-25, -20), (-15, -20), (15, -20), (25, -20),
(-20, -25), (20, -25)]
#Dispense Red Dots
pipette_20ul.aspirate(9, location_of_color('Red'))
for points in [red_points]:
for x, y in points:
dispense_and_jog(pipette_20ul, 1, center_location.move(types.Point(x=x, y=y)))
#Dispense Green Dots
Count = 0
pipette_20ul.aspirate(15, location_of_color('Green'))
for points in [green_points]:
for x, y in points:
if Count < 15:
dispense_and_jog(pipette_20ul, 1, center_location.move(types.Point(x=x, y=y)))
Count += 1
if Count == 15:
pipette_20ul.aspirate(15, location_of_color('Green'))
Count = 0
#Dispense Orange Dots
pipette_20ul.aspirate(20, location_of_color('Orange'))
for points in [orange_points]:
for x, y in points:
dispense_and_jog(pipette_20ul, 1, center_location.move(types.Point(x=x, y=y)))
# Don't forget to end with a drop_tip()
# Execute Simulation / Visualization -- don't change this code block
protocol = OpentronsMock(well_colors)
Green: aspirated 45 dispensed 44 ##### WASTING BIO-INK : more aspirated than dispensed!
Red: aspirated 9 dispensed 9
Orange: aspirated 20 dispensed 20
[all colors]: [aspirated 74] [dispensed 73]
=== TIP COUNT ===
Used 3 tip(s) (ideally exactly one per unique color)