About Me

Hi everyone! My name is Mateo Zurita and I am a 3rd year student studying biotechnology at Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Since I was little I loved the natural sciences, currently I find a great fascination for synthetic biology and it is the professional path I want to follow. One of my professional goals is to pursue an MBA/Meng double degree at UC Berkeley. I like the world of business and technology and being able to combine both paths into one is exciting to me. As for my hobbies, I usually practice nature photography, I like contact sports, especially jujitsu, I like to go to the gym and soon I want to practice mountaineering with climbing. I also like to entertain myself with video games and anime.

I hope to get the most out of this course and I feel this will improve my life.

Some of my photographs (I'm still a beginner c:)


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