4.1 DNA Read

Question (i). The DNA responsible for encoding traits related to cognitive abilities (because maybe this can help us uncover the phenomenon of cognition, like if we align the sequences from organisms with varying stages of intelligence).

Question (ii).

Oxford Nanopore Technologies, third-generation; this enables ultra-long reads which could be beneficial since we don’t know how long our target fragment is.

Input would be genomic DNA (gDNA) extracted from brain tissues of peripheral blood samples using DNA extraction kits (like from Qiagen or whatever)


Data: raw data should be in FAST5 format (electrical signal data); they can be converted into FASTQ files with ONT software. Data from multiple species can be aligned, annotated, and functionally analyzed.

4.2 DNA Write

Question (i). I once had an idea about building release-inducible 3D DNA origami that can be used to contain insulin. These can then be put into patients with blood sugar monitoring and engineered probiotics that secrete the insulin release signal when the patient’s blood sugar is low. However, this idea remains on the paper since 1) I’m not familiar with DNA origami yet and 2) Putting probiotics in blood may cause sepsis even if we add the “don’t eat me” signal.

Question (ii). chip-based DNA synthesis, since it offers high-throughput synthesis.