"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

I spent my childhood reading and writing science fiction, which instilled a lifelong curiosity about the future. These days, I'm fascinated by emerging technology areas such as synthetic biology, biomimicry, and generative design.

In last year’s course, I was curious to learn about the increasingly blurred lines between classical robotics and biology, so I looked into the emerging field of bio-hybrid soft robotics for the final project:

Creating Living Machines: Cardiomyocyte Actuation for Biohybrid Robots

I’m a university student based near Washington D.C. Please feel free to reach out on slack or twitter.

Weekly Assignments 2023

Final Project 2023

Other 2023

After the class ended, I wanted to continue to build fundamental knowledge and complete hands-on experiments. In the few months that I started learning synbio, I tried to dive into some advanced ideas with minimal background; I enjoyed this accelerated top-down learning approach because it made us think about applications in the real world. Now I’m working towards understanding the basics of bioengineering with Odin’s Bioengineering 101 kit and I’ll continue to document my journey here:

Bioengineering 101 Kit