
Class: Tuesdays 2-5pm ET @E15-341 & Zoom

Recitation: Wednesdays 5-6pm ET @E15-359 & Zoom

MIT Lab Hours: See “Course Logistics” below. 68-083

MIT Office Hours: Available upon request

Global Recitations: Organized by each Global Node via Zoom (see below).

Class Content

Content will be updated on a rolling basis, usually after each week’s lecture.

Classes 2025


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Dr. David S. Kong, Head Instructor: dkong[at] Suvin Sundararajan, Head Teaching Assistant: suvinsun[at]


MIT/Harvard Students

Homework & projects of in-person Students from MIT & Harvard

Alex Tran

Alex Zhao

Alexandro Gravalos

Chaitanya Gupta

Chenjie Xiong

Cyrus Clarke

Dana Rubin

Emily Berhemeyer

Esther Choi

Fan Xue

Geoffrey Enwere

Gert Duvenhage

Hanzhang Lai

James Lin

Kat Kormilitsyna

Marcello Tania

Maryam Aijomallel

Nasibe Nur Dündar Arifoglu

Nicholas Irving

Nof Nathansohn

Peter Mikhael

Phoebe Chua

Ricky Cordova

Seungwook Han

Shrika Eddula

Sofia Guerra

Sophia Liao

Spruce Campbell

Tushar Kanade

Vinzenz Aichlseder

Vivek Sandrapaty

Yolanda Xie

Zian Shi

For registered MIT and Harvard students taking this class in person, grades will be administered under the following rubric:

Lecture, Recitation, and Lab Attendance and Participation 33%
Weekly Assignments (Class Write-ups and Lab Documentation) 33%
Final Project (Group work and individual project) 34%

Global Nodes & Committed Listeners

Requirements for earning a Certificate of Completion

In alphabetical order, with the Committed Listeners (see FAQ) affiliated with each node