About me

Hii!! I’m Naya from Jakarta, Indonesia. I am a senior in high school and planning to study bioengineering at university. I'm part of the Indonesia Maju Scholarship batch 3. I have previously taken synthetic biology and joined iGEM Indonesian league in the high school track. This course counts as a head start for me. Yet that means that I'm still new to many things, hope that we can learn together through this course.

Connect With Me

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/naja-andria-mumtaz-2536b9264?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nayymtz_?igsh=MTRmc2MxbTgxb3ZlaA==

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